OK, so now that I’ve got this blog dusted off, decided on a new direction and archived all of the old posts, let’s get cracking on part 2 of this series. I’ll be going into very specific detail about what the new meatgrinder/automator process needs to do, and then branch out into how each of […]
What’s in the bag? Behind the scenes at vBrownBag.com
A few weeks ago, I asked my good friends Alastair Cooke & Chris Williams how I could be useful to them & the vBrownBag.com website. Al suggested that I take a look at the automation script, affectionately known as “the meatgrinder” that had been running behind the scenes for years but hadn’t been running for […]
#AWS Glacier & SNS #PowerShell cmdlets
So, yeah, I finally finished writing this. In terms of coding projects, this one has been the most challenging for a number of reasons. First, AWS Glacier is cold storage, which means that vault inventories and archive retrievals have (approximately) a four hour wait before further action can be taken. After the job completes, it […]
Search-Cloud is cooler than you might think
PowerCLI 5.0.1 delivered new vCloud Director functionality including a cmdlet named Search-Cloud. If you’ve taken a look at Get-Help Search-Cloud, you’ll see a parameter named -QueryType used to “Specify what types of objects you want to search for”. That’s great, but what types of objects *can* you search for? The help, sadly, isn’t very helpful. […]
PowerCLI: Remove all vmnics from a vSwitch
You can tell I’m getting rusty with the PowerCLI, which is something I intend to fix. In the meantime, I needed a PowerCLI way to remove all vmnics from a host’s vSS. If you take a look at the PowerCLI cmdlet documentation, you’ll find the syntax for Set-VirtualSwitch. It’s pretty simple; whatever NIC you pass […]