Here’s another short episode I did on the vBrownBag YouTube channel talking about what I’ve learned about writing PowerShell for AWS Lambda. 00:28 A quick overview of PowerShell & AWS Lambda 💪 01:07 Anatomy of a PowerShell Lambda function 01:35 Setting up a development environment 03:00 AWSLambdaPSCore modules 03:42 Packaging a PowerShell module 04:19 Handling […]
Automating the vBrownBag with AWS Serverless
I did a short episode for the vBrownBag with a deeper dive into the Meatgrinder, showing how the different AWS services interact, how the process logs to CloudWatch, and more! 00:00 Intro 1:20 The AWS Services that power the Meatgrinder 💪 1:51 AWS S3 2:18 AWS EventBridge 2:50 AWS Step Functions 4:10 PowerShell on Lambda […]
Part 6 of “What’s in the bag?” Behind the scenes at
In Part 5 of this series, I covered Google OAuth with PSAuthClient and decrypting AWS Lambda environment variables. In this post, I’d like to cover some code for the WordPress REST API and RSS XML updates. In the previous iteration of the Meatgrinder process, new posts were added by email. However, I didn’t like the […]
Part 5 of “What’s in the bag?” Behind the scenes at
Part 4 of this series covered orchestration of the AWS Lambda function using AWS Step Functions & EventBridge. In this post, I’d like to cover Google OAuth with PSAuthClient, decrypting AWS Lambda environment variables, and more. Google OAuth with PSAuthClient Some quick introductory info: there are two ways of authenticating with the YouTube data API. […]
Part 4 of “What’s in the bag?” Behind the scenes at
In Part 3 of this series, I covered the development environment & tools. In this installment, I’d like to show you how I’ve decided to orchestrate the workflow around the Lambda function. You may also want to review the overall process in Part 2, as I’ll be referring to how I decided to implement the […]