PowerCLI 5.0.1 delivered new vCloud Director functionality including a cmdlet named Search-Cloud. If you’ve taken a look at Get-Help Search-Cloud, you’ll see a parameter named -QueryType used to “Specify what types of objects you want to search for”. That’s great, but what types of objects *can* you search for? The help, sadly, isn’t very helpful. […]
Beyond this point lies a lot of content that is likely irrelevant, but I felt that it would be a waste to delete it. So, here it is in all of its outdated glory.
VMworld 2012: My schedule
In the spirit of “everyone else is doing it, so why shouldn’t I?”, I decided to go ahead and blog about my VMworld 2012 schedule. This VMworld promises to be a non-stop barrage of awesome technical content, learning new things, and hanging out with friends. My schedule is pretty packed. When I’m not attending a […]
#VMworld + #vBrownBag == crazy awesome
I’m incredibly excited about VMworld 2012 as this one will be a totally new experience for me. The first two years that I attended were as a customer, the third was as a vendor. If you talked to me at all last year, you probably remember that I’d lost my voice from working the booth […]
PowerCLI: Remove all vmnics from a vSwitch
You can tell I’m getting rusty with the PowerCLI, which is something I intend to fix. In the meantime, I needed a PowerCLI way to remove all vmnics from a host’s vSS. If you take a look at the PowerCLI cmdlet documentation, you’ll find the syntax for Set-VirtualSwitch. It’s pretty simple; whatever NIC you pass […]
My experience at #IndyVMUG #DemoDays2012
I had an opportunity to speak at the Indianapolis VMUG last Thursday, July 26th, thanks to a gracious invitation from Mike Ellis and Kyle Ruddy. This was my second VMUG user conference in Indianapolis; I attended last year as a sponsor. In case you’re not aware of the Indy VMUG, it’s quite possibly one of […]