What's in the bag? Behind the scenes at vBrownBag.com
- What’s in the bag? Behind the scenes at vBrownBag.com
- Part 2 of “What’s in the bag?” Behind the scenes at vBrownBag.com
- Part 3 of “What’s in the bag?” Behind the scenes at vBrownBag.com
- Part 4 of “What’s in the bag?” Behind the scenes at vBrownBag.com
- Part 5 of “What’s in the bag?” Behind the scenes at vBrownBag.com
- Part 6 of “What’s in the bag?” Behind the scenes at vBrownBag.com
- Automating the vBrownBag with AWS Serverless
I did a short episode for the vBrownBag with a deeper dive into the Meatgrinder, showing how the different AWS services interact, how the process logs to CloudWatch, and more!
- 00:00 Intro
- 1:20 The AWS Services that power the Meatgrinder 💪
- 1:51 AWS S3
- 2:18 AWS EventBridge
- 2:50 AWS Step Functions
- 4:10 PowerShell on Lambda & Step Functions interaction 🕺💃
- 7:05 Python Lamba function
- 7:33 Logging success in AWS CloudWatch 🚀