Long title, huh? Hooray very long product names.
If you’re planning on adding a vCloud Air instance as a cloud provider for Application Services, there are a few steps that aren’t covered in the Application Services documentation.
- In order to create the cloud provider, you’ll need to retrieve the URL & organization name from the vCloud Air user interface. Login to vCloud Air and click on the organizational virtual datacenter from the Dashboard tab.
- On the right side of the virtual datacenter details page, click the Cloud Provider Address under Related Links on the rights side of the page. Grab the URL and organization name.
- Login to Application Services as an application cloud administrator and go to add a new cloud provider.
- Choose the vCloud provider type. Enter the FQDN, minus the https:// and port 443 that was shown in the vCloud Air UI. Enter the organization name. Enter the correct user name and password from an active user within vCloud Air. Choose the appropriate vCAC Business Group.
- The documentation states that the @ symbol in the user’s email address should be replaced with %40. However, Application Services should do this automatically.
- Validate and save.
- vCloud Automation Center Application Services 6.1 Build 2064245