Last week Harley Stagner (@hstagner) was on the Brownbag for a great discussion on various aspects of VMware vSphere design. We had a lot of audience participation as we covered a handful of different vSphere design scenarios. If you weren’t able to attend, please check out the video at
This Wednesday, 10/19/2011 at 7:30PM CST, we’ll have David Davis (@davidmdavis) on the Brownbag to talk about VMware’s VCP 5 certification & general certification overview, upcoming virtualization training from @Trainsignal, and the hottest topics in virtualization and cloud. I’m really excited about having David on — please attend if you can. Register now!
David Davis is the author of the best-selling VMware vSphere video training library from TrainSignal. He has written hundreds of virtualization articles on the Web, is a vExpert, VCP, VCAP-DCA, and CCIE #9369 with more than 18 years of enterprise IT experience. His personal Website is